Jumat, 05 September 2014

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

(Compare) layout: status bar flyme

Compare/contekan/bahan perbandingan layout status bar model flyme
Mengerti decomp-recomp UI,Fw-res.
status bar height minimal 40.0dip
status bar icon size minimal 20.0dip
Untuk images cukup bongkar via rotexplorer,push file2 images ketmpatnya
Untuk xml , decompile your UI/FWres

Compare 1 Download file DISINI


Compare 2 Download  DISINI


Compare 3 Download DISINI


Kreasi re-layout selanjutnya terserah agan2,ane noob yg kasih gambaran j.

Compare ori by admin
Credit to all aktive member Facebook

Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

[TUTORIAL/GUIDE]-Add BbmUI layout ke dalam Tab

Tutorial Download HERE
Sebelumnya sudah terinstal LenoxLabel.apk ,QuickPic.apk & OwnerInfo.apk

into 5 tab with lenox

into original UI non lenox

Compare Ori by Admin
Thanks to all member FB

Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

[FWres] Cyan themes1


Descp:framework-res images cyan themes .
Save to sdcard,goto CWM,flash zip,reboot
Backup your current fwres.apk

Mod original by Admin
Credit to all memberFacebook,add this if you'll re-share

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

[Tutorial] Edit/theming SamsungIME.apk ( stock keyboard)

Decompile SamsungIME.apk


open res/values-sw320dp-hdpi/color.xml
edit desire color u need , e.g for pink :

color name="normalkey_labelcolor">#ffff00ff
color name="candidate_text_color">#ffff00ff     
color name="candidate_button_text_color">#ffff00ff 

or explorer desire any color line from this xml


Keyboard text background

Open res\drawable-sw320dp-hdpi


Keyboard background


Tutorial original by admin
Credit to all member  Facebook ,add this if you'll re-share

keep explore your core

Senin, 07 Juli 2014

[FWres] Wood themes


Backup ure original FWres,DWYOR
Download file,save to sdcard,goto cwm , instal zip , rebot

Mod original by Admin
Credit to all Facebook member,add thiscredit if u'll re-share

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

[Fwres]Mod 9.png images

images 9.png modified semitransparent green/emerald glass rounded style for framework-res.apk
File download HERE

Save to sdcard, goto cwm , flash that zip . rebot

Credit to all member Facebook
Mod original by Admin

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

[Tutorial]Change Framework-res BackGround

Source XDA

Quick Guide :
Decompile FWres
Buka res/values/styles.xml.
Cari:  style name="Theme.Holo" parent="@style/Theme"
Sorot/scrol kebawah ,search  item name="windowShowWallpaper">false  change false to true.

Open res/drawable-nodpi/tw_background_holo_dark.png   ,change png tersebut dgn images yg diinginkan sebagai base BG,mau transparan,atau just  images with one color.

Save n Recompile framework-res.apk , sign,push.

Next tutorial change some frame images @framework-res.apk

Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

[TUTORIAL]Re-Layout notification layout into 5 tab UI stock deodex

Guide and file download HERE

Credit to all member fb group official GT-I8262 Indonesia

tested and work at stock deodex UI

Tutorial/guide n compare ori by admin

Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

[Tutorial] Add QuickPanel 4.2 di stockUI deodex 5 tab

File n tutorial  DOWNLOAD

Continuous from  tutor add statusbar header 4.2

download,baca,pahami,compare.For qpanel torch/flashlight, please download TeslaLED.apk at PS, free.

credit to all member fb group official user GT-I8262 Indonesia.

no silent

compare and tutorial by admin

[Tutorial] Add statusbar header 4.2 di stockUI deodex 5 tab

Tutorial n file  DOWNLOAD

continuous tutorial from add layout  in 5 tab UI ,download,baca,pahami,compare.

credit to all member group fb official user GT-I8262 Indonesia

tutorial and compare by admin

[Tutorial] Add Volume slider kedalam tab

Tutor n file download TUTORIAL

Read,pahami,compare,siapin cermin.
tested n compared at systemUI stock deodex

credit to all member fb group official user GT-I8262 Indonesia.
tutorial and compare by Admin
no silent  ..  :)

Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

[Tutorial] Add 5 tab at expanded SystemUI stock Deodex

File Tutorial DOWNLOAD

Read,Pahami,Praktekan.Compare.I am add to tw status bar expanded dual.xml from SystemUI stock deodex for compare  .

Credit to all member fb group official user gt-i8262 Indonesia.
Tutorial n comapre by Admin

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

UI - S5Tabbed

s5 themes, 4.2 quicksett,5tabbed at expanded.


Odex Deodex
seblumnya sdh pernah pasang fbUI/twitterUI,sdh terpasang lenox label.apk , quickpict.apk n owner info.apkdonlot,extract file.
Jika odex rom ,rename UI yg sedang dipake, SystemUI.apk jd SystemUI.apk.bak , SystemUI.odex jd SystemUI.odex.bak
cut SystemUI.apk hsil donlotan td ke system/dsni, sett permisi rw-r-r,cut/push  lg ke system/app/dsni,reboot.

Mod by Admin
Credit to all corener
keep sharing n no silent donloter  :)



Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Script for Install ALL CWM Recovery via Script Manager app for GT-I8262

Karena banyak yang sering gagal bahkan sampai terjadi bootloop saat install recovery via Terminal emulator, maka saya buatkan cara install cwm recovery via aplikasi script manager, disamping aman agan tidak perlu lagi ketik perintah perintah, cukup yes ATAU no (Y OR N).

- Script Manager : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=os.tools.scriptmanager
- Install_cwm.sh : http://d-h.st/szI
- CWM recovery : ada di doc bisa philz atau lainnya
  • STEP 2 : rename "install_cwm.sh.txt" hapus ".txt" ( jadinya install_cwm.sh )
  • STEP 3 : taruh CWM RECOVERY (recovery.img) di sdcard internal
  • STEP 4 : buka aplikasi Script Manager yang sudah diinstall
  • STEP 5 : pada script manager tap / pilih "Browse as root" trus centang "don't ask again"
  • STEP 6 : cari dan pilih "install_cwm.sh" yang sudah di download tadi
  • STEP 7 : tap / pilih Su yang ada gambar superuser sampai berwarna hijau
  • STEP 8 : pilih RUN
  • STEP 9 : "Ready to Install ???" pilih atau ketik y trus enter , 
  • STEP 10 : jika berhasil akan muncul tulisan "Recovery Install Complete"
  • FINISH , dan recovery sudah terinstall dan anda bisa menghapus install_cwm.sh beserta aplikasi Script Manager

   Sekian Moga membantu Terima Kasih !!!!

  Tutor by Ali Filth
  Credit to all user/member/Admin group GT-I8262

Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Compile Decompile dengan APKTOOL via HH

Apktool v4.3 DOWNLOAD
920 text editor DOWNLOAD

Donlot file di atas,extract di sdcard/disini ( jgn didalam dimasukan folder apapun)
Buka folder apktool hasil extractan td,ddlm nya ada file apktool.apk,instal apk tersebut.
Via rootex,copy framework-res.apk,simpan ke sdcard/apktool/disini.
Buka apktool.apk,masuk ke sdcard/apktool/ klik framework-res.apk , pilih import to framework,tunggu sampe selsei.

Copy file yg akan dimodd,contoh SystemUI.apk ke folder apktool.
Buka apktool.apk,masuk ke folder apktool,klik SystemUI.apk,pilih decompile all.
Jika sdh selsei decompile,nanti akan ada folder hasil decompile td yaitu SystemUI_src
Masuk ke folder SystmUI_src,edit dan mod sesuai kebutuhan.Setelah selsei edit/modd,klik folder SystemUI_src dan pilih recompile,tunggu sampe selsei dan sukses no eror.
Via rootex,extract SystemUI.apk original /asli yg blum diedit
Masuk ke folder apktool/SystemUI_src/build/apk/disini , copy semua yg ada didirectori ini,paste ke folder hasil extrakan SystemUI original tadi (replace).
Compress lagi SystemUI ori yg sudah direplace td menjadi zip.
Rename jadi SystemUI.apk , push ke system/app/disini,sett permisi rw-r-r,reboot.

Tutor suka2 ori by admin
credits to all member official user galaxycore duos group.

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Unicorn icon themer+blackmart+iconpack ( rooted)

donlot exposed instaler HERE

unicorn icon themer+blackmart+iconpack    HERE

instal unicorn icon themer.apk,jgn dibuka dlu.donlot xposed istaler,instal,open xposed,klik update frame ,klik tab modul,klik unicorn,reboot.
instal icon2 pack ddlm zip ( wood,ios,glass)
open unicorn.apk,pilih icon2 yg dh di instal td, klik apply,klik restart launcher,both.close.

untuk icon2 berbayar lainnya silahkan instal blackmart.apk spaya gratisan.

Add Banner images in SecSettings.apk

Backup SecSettings.apk ori

Decompile SecSettings.apk

Bikin images png,klo bisa transparent,semi transparent, horizontal orientasi/persegi panjang.kasih nama  banner.png
Buka res/drawable-hdpi,copast banner.png ksini.
Donlot logo_banner.xml di SINI
Buka res/layout/ simpan logo_banner.xml dsni
Buka res/xml folder/device_info_settings.xml
Copaste line dibwah ini setelah baris/line ke 3  di device_info_settings.xml

<PreferenceScreen android:layout="@layout/logo_banner" android:key="od_logo" />


Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

SystemUI FlyMe Suka2 v.Wood


For Deodex,if your odex rom,backup or rename your original SystemUI.apk  n SystemUI.odex  to SystemUI.apk.bak n SystemUI.odex.bak
Download file above,Save to sdcard,goto CWM,instal zip,reboot.

SS using Wood icon pack

UI base by Mitra A
Script by Ali F
Theming ori by blogger

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014

SystemUI FlyMe suka2

desp : UI FlyMe,FWrest color mod semiTransparent,FwrestwidthStatusBar


Download,save to sdcard,goto cwm,just instal zip,reboot.

base UI by Mitra A
script by Ali F
Mod suka2 by blogger

Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

SecContacts transparent BG

SecContacts Transparent DOWNLOAD
save to sdcard,goto cwm ,instal that zip.reboot

Mod ori by blogger

Selasa, 29 April 2014


Donlot File Xwidget.apk and sample captain america widget folder 1,9 MB DOWNLOAD
Donlot file for widget folder (20 widget folder) 28,6MB  DOWNLOAD

donlot files above,extract,save to sdcard
instal xwidget.apk,OPEN,close/exit.
extract file for widget folder ,copy folder to sdcrad>XWidget>Widgets>save here.close rootex.
Open widget tab,klikXWidget 5x2 or4x2,drag to homescreen,tap local,tap n select widget .in this step i choose CAPTAIN AMERICA widget,klik that widget on menu/homescreen,edit location based your location,edit clock or edit images/frame based your images mod.

dolot ke dua file diatas   atau pilih slah satu j ,ane ksih plihan Xwidget.apk n folder widget captain amerika.
extract donlotan td,instal xwidget.apk,open,load,close.
copast folder widget capatin america ke sdcard>Xwidget>Widget>dsni.close rootex.
buka menu HH,buka tab widget,cari Xwidget,pilih model 4x2 atau 5x2,drag ke menu/homescreen ,pilih lokal atau pilih online untuk donlot  widget,klik widget yg diinginkan,ntr otomatis tersimpan di homescreen,klik widget tsb,silahkan edit2 lokasi,waktu,ataupun images nya.Untuk manualnya , buka rootex,ke Xwidget>Widget>pilih widget yg akan di edit/ganti images BG na, contoh Default.png ( copy/backup original Default.png buat jaga2 klo images kita ga pas)

ane bkin bilingual asal2an coz repot klo bule2 baca tutor local  :(

Tutor ori by mimin
Apk ori by PS

Minggu, 27 April 2014

AccuweatherWidget S5 Mod

descp : changable BG ,transparent ,background,color n height mod.


JIKA memakai rom ODEX,RENAME dahulu AccuweatherWidget.apk menjadi AccuweatherWidget.apk.bak
AccuweatherWidget.odex menjadi AccuweatherWidget.odex.bak

Download file above,save to sdcard,goto cwm,flash zip.reboot.


Mod original by blogger

Sabtu, 19 April 2014

SecMmsDS framemod


Mod emoticon,semitransframe,
plis use Frameworkres color mod for additional actionbar color.
plis additional messages buble in other post.

ss using framecolorMod

mod by blogger

Jumat, 18 April 2014


UI : FlyWood Themes n toggles,changable wallpaperPullDown,transparantPD,changable Statusbar BG.etc
Download,extract,copy SystemUI.apk to system>app>here ,rw-r-r  reboot

Plis add with this framework-res colorMod  DOWNLOAD
Download,save to sdcard,goto CWM,flash zip.reboot.

UI base by mitra anggara
FrameMod by blogger

SecContacts WoodThemes


Download,save to sdcard,goto CWM,flash zip,reboot.

ss on flyMe UI

Selasa, 15 April 2014

Cyan Transparent Frame + SecContacts

First You need to instal transparent Frameworkres in other post

Descp: Transparent Cyan Framework-res
Transparent Cyan SecContacts/SecPhone


Saveto Sdcard,goto CWM,wipe cache,wipe dalvik,instal zip.reboot

Mod original by Blogger

Kamis, 10 April 2014

Senin, 07 April 2014

[UI] SystemUI DOT signal series by request (Deodex) (Odex)

File1 http://www.4shared.com/zip/yvNNhB_Sce/SystemUIsc3.html
Carrier name three ( operator 3 )
Quick Launch at Puldown
Transparent notifications at pulldown
User Mark at pulldown
Dot Signal Icon ,etc statusbar mod.
File2 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebd5eg274s3u20f/SystemUIdotsignal.zip

Backup your original SystemUI
If Your rom is odex,rename your UI be SystemUI.apk.bak n rename odex file tobe SystemUI.odex.bak
Download file ,Extract zip,Copy paste to system>app>here  , sett permission rw-r-r  reboot

File 3 https://www.dropbox.com/s/9i540vwzy48pslj/SystemUIRightClock.zip
Right clock,no operator name,icon dot signal. Donlot file,extract,copy to system>app>here , rw-r-r  reboot.

File 4:
UI :DotSignal,trafik data add ,s5 QuickLaunchRight clock,white battery.
Fie : http://galaxycoreduo.blogspot.com/2014/03/systemui-dot-signal.html
Copy UI yg lg dipake
Dolot,extract file,copy to system>app>here,set permisi rw-r-r ,reboot.

File 5 With Transparant Brightness settings
donlot,extarct,copy to system>app>here  rw-r-r ,reboot

File 6 SystemUI dot by request
dot signal,clear brightnes sett,black sim icon,quicklaunch.dsb dsb
donlot,extract,copy to system>app>dsni , rw-r-r reboot
copy UI ori terlebih dahulu.

File 7 SystemUI dot by request
No quickpanEl pulldown,clear brightness settings,black sim icon
CHANGABLE statusbar background


tutor ganti BG statbar:
siapkan images format png bntuk persegi panjang, kasih nama background2.png , ukuran panjang usahain dbwah 100 .dsni ane pke 50x11.
1.via rootex extract SystemUI.apk,goto extract folder(folder speed software,buka res/drawable/ dsni ,ganti images background2.png dgn images yg dinginkan td.
2.msh di extract folder,buka res/drawable-hdpi/ dsni ,ganti images background2.png dgn images yg dinginkan td.
zip folder SystemUI,gotozip lokasi,rename jd SystemUI.apk,push ke system>app>dsni,rw-r-r,reboot.

File 8 Transparan AllPulldown

Ori Mod by Me

Selasa, 01 April 2014

Quick guide mengganti images AccuweatherWidget

Quick  guide  bagi beginer yg ingin ganti2 icon/images/ via rootex.
Contoh:AccuweatherWidget.apk punya S5

Via rootex,Copy AccuweatherWidget.apk yg terdapat di system>app> , paste ke sdcard,simpan diluar/non folder.Atau jika blum punya AccuweatherWidget.apk,silahkan cari di doc grup/blog grup.
Siapin images format png kalo ada yg transparant,size 683x342 (size ori),simpan difolder  khusus images editan.
Kasih nama images2 tsb sama persis dgn nama2 images didlm apk aslinya.


Tekan n tahan AccweatherWidget.apk>pilih extraxt all>ntr ada notice,pilih stay …
Copy paste images2 editan td ke folder Speedsoftware>folder extracted>folder  AccuweatherWidget>folder res>folder drawable-sw320dp-hdpi>disini,timpa n replace all.
Kembali ke folder AccuweatherWidget.Tekan n tahan foder tsb,pilih zip this folder,tunggu,pilih goto zip ,tekan n tahan AccuweatherWidget.zip,pilih rename,rubah namanya jd AccuweatherWidget.apk.Selsei.

Tinggal copaste AccuweatherWidget.apk td ke system>app>dsni
Jgn lupa bkin bakupan,rename apk2 original sblum ganti2 ma apk2 mod.
Jgn malas baca2 doc yg lain coz kadang satu tutor/mod bisa berkaitan ma tutor/mod yg lainnya.

Salam Core-ner

Flare Stock LockScreen

File download HERE

Donload file abov,save to sdcard.goto CWM,instal zip,reboot.

Original mod by blogger

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

SecContacts Mod (1)

Transparent BG dial
Some additonal images editing.
Tranparent Lockscreen ( see other post how to use this )
Transparet Framework-res with Spider BG, normal width statusbar.

first u need download and instal framework-res transparent normal statbar HERE
SecContacts download  HERE

Backup your current framework-res n SecContacts .apk
Download file above,save to sdcard,goto CWM,wipe cache,instal zip.reboot.

Mod original by blogger
edify scrift by Ali Filth

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Buble Mix

Download file 1 HERE
Download file 2 minionmix  HERE

Backup your curent SecMmsDS.apk
Dowload file,save on sdcard,goto CWM,wipe cache,flash zip.Reboot


Mod by blogger

Buble Sms Kakashi+Sasuke+SamuraiX (odex-Deodex)

File Download HERE

Backup your current SecMmsDS.apk
Flash via CWM,wipe cache,instal zip.Reboot

Buble by blogger