Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

SecContacts Mod (1)

Transparent BG dial
Some additonal images editing.
Tranparent Lockscreen ( see other post how to use this )
Transparet Framework-res with Spider BG, normal width statusbar.

first u need download and instal framework-res transparent normal statbar HERE
SecContacts download  HERE

Backup your current framework-res n SecContacts .apk
Download file above,save to sdcard,goto CWM,wipe cache,instal zip.reboot.

Mod original by blogger
edify scrift by Ali Filth

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Buble Mix

Download file 1 HERE
Download file 2 minionmix  HERE

Backup your curent SecMmsDS.apk
Dowload file,save on sdcard,goto CWM,wipe cache,flash zip.Reboot


Mod by blogger

Buble Sms Kakashi+Sasuke+SamuraiX (odex-Deodex)

File Download HERE

Backup your current SecMmsDS.apk
Flash via CWM,wipe cache,instal zip.Reboot

Buble by blogger

S4Buble for GT-I8262

Description : Some new buble for SecMmsDS.apk

Download file HERE
Flash via CWM:Wipe cache,flash zip.Reboot

Edited by Bloger
Buble source XDA

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Samsung USB Driver + Odin 307

Solusi lain untuk mendapatkan driver samsung selain via  Kies?ane share ,work n tested.

Usb Driver  DOWNLOAD

Odin 307    DOWNLOAD

Downlod,open exe,instal.selsei.

Decompile dan Recompile (2) menggunakan APKTool

Bahan :
Notepad++  DOWNLOAD
Lates smali n baksmali HERE

Save or extract apktool to folder directory :
Windows XP : C:\Document and Settings\folder your computer name\here
Windows 7 : C:\User\folder your computer name\here

Decompile and Recompile *.apk file

 a. Copy framework-res.apk to apktool folder (make sure is the same folder).
 b. Copy other *.apk you want to edit to apktool folder.Example SystemUI.apk
 c. Open Command Prompt.bat  in folder apktool
 d. Decompile and install framework.

Put/simpan/taruh framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk in folder apktool

Instal first your framework-res.apk .type this command :  apktool if framework-res.apk
Decompile apk you want to mod ,example SystemUI.apk . type this command in cmd :
apktool d SystemUI.apk 

SS.instal framework-res.apk for base your mod

SS decompile SystemUI.apk if you want mod your UI.
after decompile ,see,lihat folder SystemUI hasil decompile  satu directori dgn apktool.

Until this point,lets start your mod/editing.Silahkan agan2 mulai mod/edit,images,xml,dsbdi folder SystemUI

e.After editing/mod now recompile  :)

Example if your was mod SystemUI.apk ,for Recompile type in cmd :

 apktool b -f -d SystemUI

pastikan hasil recompile /final result   :Building apk file...

f. Signing:After recompile is complete, go to folder SystemUI>dist folder>SystemUI.apk(mod),rename/change extention to,double klik zip.

Back to SystemUI.apk (original SystemUI.apk),rename/change extention to,double klik that zip.Drag META-INF folder and androidManifest.xml to (mod)

After signing ,go to folder  SystemUI>dist> , rename again to SystemUI.apk, than copy to sdcard to apply your moding.

Notice :
decompile SystemUI.apk use comand : apktool d SystemUI.apk
recompile SystemUI use comand: apktool b -f -d SystemUI

instaling framework-res.apk : apktool if framework-res.apk
decompile other apk : apktool d (apk name).apk
recompile other apk : apktool b -f -d (name apk)(not use apk extention)

Aditional Tutorial by Blogger
apktool source from XDA @ mr.ibanez

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

SystemUI Dot signal + Potato statusbar gesture and color mod.

UI Description :
Odex-Deodex work
Signal Dot + potato statusbar gesture n color mod.
S5 icon toggles

Potatos status bar gesture description:
Change color status bar with double tap,swipe right,left etc on status bar.
Shorcut to music option,just swipe right,left or double tap to change track,stop/play music.

For SystemUI download HERE
For potatos statusbar gesture download  HERE

1.BACKUP/COPY your current SystemUI.apk
2.Download SystemUIpotatos zip,extract,copy to system>app>here,sett rw-r-r,reboot
3.Download potato statusbar gesture,open , setting with your mod for gesture n statusbar color style.

SystemUI mod by blogger
Additional potato mod by Zroxhaniel Molejon(Thanks bro)

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

S5 Toggles Cyan

Download file HERE

Download file above,save to sdcard,goto CWM,wipe cache,than Instal zip.

Icon source XDA
Mod/resize/zipable original by blogger

Next ,blue n white toggles

SystemUI Dot Signal

Odex,so must be work in Deodex.
Dot Signal,Trafic data add,White battery,S5 QuickLaunch,Tranparent Pulldown,Usermark.

Download File HERE

Copy/backup your UI.
Downoad file abov,extract,copy to system>app>here ,sett permision to rw-r-r , reboot

Original Mod by Blogger

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Transparent LockScreen

This mod use transparent Framework with Normal statusbar width.So if your use Flyme UI,cause your statusbar come normal width.

Download file from HERE

Tutorial to apply mod :
1.Open rootex,go to data>data>>file> DELETE any images file in this folder.
2.Go to CWM,flash file abov.
3.Do Not change Lockscreen wallpaper  with ANY IMAGES with your collection pic,except you use live wallpaper.

If you forget and was change lockscreen with default images to make wallpaper transparent again,just open rootex, goto data>data>>file> delet images

Original Mod by blogger
Updater script by Ali filth ( thanks)

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

S5 Icon Packs

Icon Packs for


Download File from HERE

Download,instal via CWM . 


Icon Pack by ronin790 XDA
Editing script by blogger



Swap Memory External Menjadi Internal (ROOT)

Samsung Galaxy GT-I8262 Rooted
Instal Busybox.apk HERE
Instal Init.d aktivator  HERE
External2Internal apk Download HERE

Instal Ext2Int.apk
Open,allow superSu
Tap setting

Tap Default sgs3 ( if your use original rom/stockrom)
Tap send rescan
Tap user per default

Tap the original internal mounting dan rubah menjadi : storage/sdcard0

Tap the original external mounting point ,rubah menjadi : storage/extSdCard

Tap the ext.sdcard device access ubah value dari 179:49 menjadi 179:33

Tap tombol back
Tap at boot
Tap at boot if init.d

Tap External>Internal, wait n cek memori internal.jika blum berubah,restart HH dan cek lg.

Tutorial by Blogger

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

AccuweatherWidget S5 HerosThemes

Description :
Odex, so Deodex must be work for this Mod.
V1 Transparent Spiderman Background
V2 Transparent 3 Heros Background ( Spiderman,Batman,Superman) ,changable Background according time and weather condition.

V2 Download file from this LINK
V1 Download file from this LINK

Backup your original Accuweatherwidget.apk
Download file abov,extract,copy to system>app>here  sett permision to rw-r-r .Reboot

Example tutorial for change mod :
Remove weather widget was still run in main menu/home.
go to settings>apk manager>tab all>weatherwidget>force stop
go to settings>apk manager>tab all>weatherwidget main>force stop
Open rootex,goto system>app>RENAME original AccuweatherWidget.apk to AccuweaterWidget.apk.bak
if your odex rom also RENAME AccuweatherWidget.odex to AccuweatherWidget.odex.bak
Now,copy AccuweatherWidget Mod to system>app>here, and sett permission to rw-r-r , reboot.


Original Mod n Tutorial by Blogger

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Decompile And Recompile (1)

Di bawah ini ane akan share tools,alat tempur yg dibutuhkan seblum agan2 decompile-recompile apk.
Untuk pengertian Decomp-Recomp apk ,silahkan gugling j :)
1.Komputer/PC/Lepi (di sini ane pake winxp3) yg sudah terinstal :
  -Java SDK dan JRE
  -Android SDK
2.Basic Command prompt (CMD)
3.Basic Editing menggunakan Notepad++
4.Otak dan Kesabaran

Step 1 – Instal Java DISINI

Masuk ke situs java , ane sarankan download ke-dua file tersebut JDK & JSE.Instal keduanya di directori
C:\Program Files\Java 

- Penempatan PATH n CLASSPATH untuk java

Klik kanan My Computer>Properties>Tab Advance>Kolom Environment Variable>Di kolom user variable,klik new>
variable name  isi :  PATH      
variable value isi :   C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin  
klik OK
Masih di kolom Environment variable klik new pada kolom di bawah System variable ,isi 
variable name :  CLASSPATH   
variable value isi  : C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin  
Klik OK,Cose.
Sampe step ini ,agan dh berhasil instal java beserta path n classpath nya.

Step 2 - Instal Android SDK DISINI

Klik download the SDK,accept term n conditions,Pilih file yg sesuai dgn Spek PC agan.Dsni ane pilih 32-bit.

Ke directori C , buat folder baru dgn nama  Android-SDK.Extract file android SDK hasil download td  di directori/folder   C:\Android-SDK\di sini .Ada 2 folder dan 1 executeble file didirectori tsb.Yaitu Folder eclipse ,folder sdk dan file SDK Manager.exe

Pastikan susunan/komposisi di dalam folder sdk seperti ss ane brikut terutama folder platform-tools:

Dobel klik /open SDK Manager.exe,tunggu smpe selsei load, siapkan koneksi inet yg stabil n cpet.Pilih,ceklis option2 ini di SDK Manager seperti ss brikut ini:

Klik Instal packages.Keep Calm ,tunggu smpe SDK Manager download all additional file dr option yg kita pilih.Jika sdh slsei,klik  option package di kiri atas,reload.ok/exit/close SDK Manager.

- Penempatan PATH n CLASSPATH untuk SDK Manager

Klik kanan My Computer>Properties>Tab Advance>Kolom Environment Variable>
Di kolom System variable,klik New jika blum ada variable dgn nama Path.Atau Klik EDIT di variable name Path jika sudah ada nama Path variable di kolom system variable
variable name  isi :  Path
variable value isi :  %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Android-SDK\sdk\tools;C:\Android-SDK\sdk\platform-tools\
klik OK.Close

Masih di kolom System variable ,klik New,
variable name isi :    PATHEXT
variable value isi :   .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH.MSC;
Klik OK.Close


Next Tutorial APKTOOL

Original Tutorial by Blogger